Meet Caroline Paul, the soul of travel

Born in Azay-le-Rideau, Caroline Paul grew up dreaming of the wonders of the Loire Valley and its majestic Châteaux de la Loire.

At the age of 15, driven by an enthusiasm for travel, she chose the path of tourism. After training in tourism in Aix-en-Provence, she began her career in Paris with American Express and Havas Voyages. Caroline had the grace to travel the world, organizing business trips for iconic French brands.

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With the soul of an entrepreneur, Caroline set up an international tourism marketing consultancy in 2012. Her mission? Accompany France's major tourist sites, such as Château de Chambord and Château de Chenonceau, in their quest to appeal to a new generation of tourists, young and ultra-connected on social networks. Passionate about the geopolitics of tourism and societal issues, she takes pleasure in offering a supreme vision to her customers, highlighting the treasures and heritage of our territories.

In 2019, while working on a project for the Centre-Val de Loire region, she fell under the spell of Vendôme. From Azay-le-Rideau to Paris, via Saint Cloud; it's in Vendôme that she finally decides to put down her suitcases.

The escape that attracts us, the adventure that spices up our lives, the unique experience, the luggage filled with essentials, a book that depicts the love for her country, or a visit to Beauval Zoo... It's all part of her world.

An emotion: Love

A flower: The lily

A film: Un homme et une femme with music by Francis Lai

A song: The Sea (Morcheeba)

An animal: The cat

A fragrance: Aqua Motu by Comptoir Sud Pacifique,

a subtle marine accord that transports me to the edge of a beach where the sand is wet with the bracing ocean.

Superpower: Time travel, like Marty Mc Fly in Back to the Future!

A sport: Running (I've run the Pomme/Poire race in the Châteaux de la Loire marathon and the 20 kms de Paris, as well as the Great Wall of China trail)

A château: Azay le Rideau, the château of my childhood, the town where I was born and grew up.

A destination:
Whatever the destination, my favorite vacation is on the water, aboard a sailboat

A time of day: The blue hour

The sound of your alarm clock: The music of an Air France ad!

A favorite dish : Pkaïla

A Proust madeleine: The scent of the paper I dip into every time I
every time I open a magazine.

I grew up in a print shop.

A book: The life of masters